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Maintenance Needed
Maintenance Needed
Kings Highway - Avenue J - East 45 St

With the constant truck traffic, these potholes are getting worse by the day. How about adding a speed bump to slow them down and prevent more damage?

Maintenance Needed
Maintenance Needed
Kings Highway - Avenue J - East 45 St

Every time I drive over these potholes, it feels like my car is going to fall apart. We need these fixed and maybe even a speed bump to slow down the trucks.

Health & Environmental Impact
Health & Environmental Impact
Kings Highway - East 41 St - Hubbard Pl

As an elderly resident, the noise and vibrations from the trucks are very disruptive. It’s hard enough to sleep at my age without the constant rumbling of large vehicles outside. Please, let's find a quieter solution.

Health & Environmental Impact
Health & Environmental Impact
Kings Highway - East 41 St - Troy Ave

The vibrations from these trucks are causing real damage to our property. I’ve noticed new cracks in my walls and driveway. It's time to find a new route for these trucks.

Health & Environmental Impact
Health & Environmental Impact
Kings Highway - East 40 St - Flatbush Ave

I'm a retired teacher, and I value peace and quiet. These trucks are too loud and damaging our homes. We need a better solution.

Health & Environmental Impact
Health & Environmental Impact
Kings Highway - East 41 St - Troy Ave

Every time a garbage truck goes by, my whole house shakes. I’ve already had to repair cracks in my walls twice this year. This truck route is ruining our neighborhood.

Health & Environmental Impact
Health & Environmental Impact
Kings Highway - Connector - Kings Highway

The noise from the UPS and FedEx trucks is driving me crazy! My kids can’t concentrate on their homework, and I can’t even enjoy a quiet moment in my own home. We need a new truck route ASAP.

Health & Environmental Impact
Health & Environmental Impact
Kings Highway - Avenue J - Connector

As a resident of this neighborhood for over 40 years, I can tell you the quality of life has really gone downhill. The constant truck traffic is damaging our homes and making it hard to live peacefully. Please consider changing the truck route for the sake of our community.

Health & Environmental Impact
Health & Environmental Impact
Kings Highway - Connector - Avenue I

It’s frustrating to see our once peaceful community disrupted by heavy truck traffic. The noise alone is enough to disrupt daily life, but the damage to our homes is unacceptable. Something must be done.

Health & Environmental Impact
Health & Environmental Impact
Kings Highway - Schenectady Ave - Connector

It’s frustrating to see our once peaceful community disrupted by heavy truck traffic. The noise alone is enough to disrupt daily life, but the damage to our homes is unacceptable. Something must be done.

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