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Health & Environmental Impact
Health & Environmental Impact
Kings Highway - Connector - Avenue I

As a mother of two young kids, the noise from the trucks keeps them up at night. Our quality of life has really gone downhill because of this truck route.

Health & Environmental Impact
Health & Environmental Impact
Kings Highway - East 41 St - Troy Ave

The constant truck traffic on Kings Highway is causing serious vibrations in our home, resulting in cracks in the walls. It's getting harder to live peacefully here.

Health & Environmental Impact
Health & Environmental Impact
Kings Highway - Troy Ave - Avenue J

It's clear that the heavy trucks on Kings Highway are not suitable for a residential area. The vibrations, noise, and pollution are affecting our daily lives. Please, let's reroute the trucks to improve our community’s quality of life.

Health & Environmental Impact
Health & Environmental Impact
Kings Highway - Connector - Avenue I

The damage these trucks are causing to our homes is serious. Cracked walls, noise, and pollution are not what we signed up for. The route needs to be changed immediately.

Health & Environmental Impact
Health & Environmental Impact
Kings Highway - East 45 St - Kings Highway

As a single mom, I worry about my child’s health with all the pollution from the trucks. The noise disrupts her sleep and schoolwork. We need a quieter, safer neighborhood.

Health & Environmental Impact
Health & Environmental Impact
Kings Highway - Connector - Avenue I

My elderly parents live with me and the constant noise and vibrations are affecting their health. We need a quieter, safer neighborhood. It’s time to find a new route for these trucks.

Health & Environmental Impact
Health & Environmental Impact
Kings Highway - Connector - Avenue J

My elderly parents live with me and the constant noise and vibrations are affecting their health. We need a quieter, safer neighborhood. It’s time to find a new route for these trucks.

Health & Environmental Impact
Health & Environmental Impact
Kings Highway - Connector - Avenue J

The vibrations from the trucks are causing structural damage to my house. The noise is disturbing, and the air quality has worsened. Our neighborhood deserves better. Please reroute the trucks

Health & Environmental Impact
Health & Environmental Impact
Kings Highway - Troy Ave - Avenue J

I’ve lived here for 20 years and have never seen our quality of life deteriorate this badly. The constant truck traffic is ruining our homes and our peace. Something needs to be done.

Health & Environmental Impact
Health & Environmental Impact
Kings Highway - Troy Ave - Avenue J

As a mother of two young children, I am deeply concerned about the smog and noise from these trucks. Our kids deserve to grow up in a safe and healthy environment. Please change the truck route for the sake of our families.

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