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Speeding Trucks
Speeding Trucks
Kingsland Ave - Driggs Ave - Nassau Ave

Kingsland Ave is a joke - enforcement is laughable. You could install a red light camera at the intersection of Nassau and Kingsland and no doubt it would be issuing easily 100 tickets per day for probably the first month or two until truck drivers caught on. The problem with this is that the fine wouldn't be enough to slow them down. Reverse the streets direction. Easy, cheap fix.

Observed Pedestrian and Truck Conflict
Observed Pedestrian and Truck Conflict
Kingsland Ave - Driggs Ave - Nassau Ave

The intersection at Nassau Ave and Kingsland Ave is extraordinarily dangerous. The largest trucks that are allowed on city streets drive extremely fast and are constantly observed running the red light here. I've been nearly hit on multiple occasions as has my son. A simple fix could be to simply reverse the direction of the street. People have died here and on nearby streets and people will die here and on nearby streets.

Difficult Truck Turn
Difficult Truck Turn
Wolcott St - Van Brunt St - Brooklyn

No trucks can turn if they are big on wolcott and van brunt they get stuck! Get the trucks off van brunt street is going to kill us with exhaust

*Submitted via Accessible Feedback Form
Speeding Trucks
Speeding Trucks
Vandervoort Ave - Division Pl - Beadel St - Brooklyn

Cars and trucks both speed through red lights

*Submitted via Accessible Feedback Form
Limited Curb Access for Trucks
Limited Curb Access
Van Brunt St - Sullivan St - Wolcott St

Delivery trucks double park blocking the lane. This causes chaos in right in front of an elementary school!

Weight & Height Restriction
Weight & Height Restriction
Van Brunt St - King St - Sullivan St

There are so many oversized 53' trailers getting stuck on Van Brunt. They often run cyclists off of the road and get stuck making turns blocking pedestrians.

Speeding Trucks
Speeding Trucks
Van Brunt St - Verona St - Visitation Pl

There is a stretch of Van Brunt from here until Bowne Street with no traffic lights or crosswalks (6 blocks), which allows trucks to speed. It is also along the B61 bus route - so anyone who gets off the bus within those blocks has to cross a dangerous street with speeding trucks with no crosswalks.

Limited Curb Access for Trucks
Limited Curb Access
Green St - Franklin St - Manhattan Ave - Brooklyn

No loading zone on one lane, one-way residential/commercial/industrial street with a bus route. The buses are blocked numerous times daily when trucks make their deliveries. There is so much street parking that the trucks have to stop in the middle of the roadway. This is also the main route to the Pulaski so has more traffic than neighboring side streets, increasing congestion during the day.

*Submitted via Accessible Feedback Form
Observed Pedestrian and Truck Conflict
Observed Pedestrian and Truck Conflict
Metropolitan Ave - Graham Ave - Humboldt St

Loud, speeding, and disruptive trucks here! It is hazard to pedestrians and bicyclists!

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Observed Pedestrian and Truck Conflict
Observed Pedestrian and Truck Conflict
North Henry St - Meeker Ave - Engert Ave

Trucks are extremely aggressive towards pedestrians here with little regard for the crosswalk across Meeker. They frequently ignore when the pedestrian walk sign is on or don't see it at all

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