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Poor Truck Network Connections
Poor Network Connections
5 Ave - East 14 St - East 15 St

14th street network service is a dead zone. Has been like this for 20+ years. Very poor service leads to truck drivers not knowing the truck routes and going to areas theyre not supposed to go.

Speeding Trucks
Speeding Trucks
East 14 St - Union Square West - Union Square South

Trucks on 14th street should slow down (speed limit reduced) bc lots of college students and kids, distracted by hubbub. Currently, many zoom by in middle of day even.

Speeding Trucks
Speeding Trucks
Kings Highway - Avenue K - Avenue K

Kings Highway between Rockaway Av and Ocean Av is 95% residential. 18-wheelers are traveling up and down, spewing CO, creating noise pollution, and destroying the roadways. UPS, Amazon, FedEx, CVS, McDonalds and Target trucks use this area 24/7 as a maon thoroughfare, at 1am even. This also is causing structural damage to homes; the house shakes when the trucks stop. The changing of the truck gears also makes a lot of noise when people are sleeping. Asthma is also very prevalent, as well as high infant mortality, in this area of mostly people of color, and it is no coincidence. Please consider eliminating this section of Kings Hwy as a truck route, and looking at Flatlands Av, Church Av, Nostrand and other commercial, non-residential streets as alternatives. Thank You Raymond Boyce 4154 Kings Highway, Brooklyn 347-661-3898

Observed Pedestrian and Truck Conflict
Observed Pedestrian and Truck Conflict
Kings Highway - Utica Ave - Glenwood Rd

Kings Highway between Rockaway Av and Ocean Av is 95% residential. 18-wheelers are traveling up and down, spewing CO, creating noise pollution, and destroying the roadways. UPS, Amazon, FedEx, CVS, McDonalds and Target trucks use this area 24/7 as a maon thoroughfare, at 1am even. This also is causing structural damage to homes; the house shakes when the trucks stop. The changing of the truck gears also makes a lot of noise when people are sleeping. Asthma is also very prevalent, as well as high infant mortality, in this area of mostly people of color, and it is no coincidence. Please consider eliminating this section of Kings Hwy as a truck route, and looking at Flatlands Av, Church Av, Nostrand and other commercial, non-residential streets as alternatives. Thank You Raymond Boyce 347-661-3898

Street View
Missing Truck Route Signage
Missing Truck Route Signage
86 St - Bay 17 St - 18 Ave

There is no signage directing trucks to turn on to 18th Ave, so many of them continue on to 86th Street and use it as a through street, not for local deliveries.

Poor Truck Network Connections
Poor Network Connections
Pennsylvania Ave - Belt Pkwy Eb En Pennsylvania Ave - Belt Pkwy Wb En Pennsylvania Ave

This section of Pennsylvania Ave should not be considered a truck route as it leads to the Belt Parkway which is passenger vehicles only and trucks are not allowed.

Observed Bicyclist and Truck Conflict
Observed Bicyclist and Truck Conflict
43 St - 1 Ave - Bush Terminal Greenway

Because of a lack of a traffic signal at this intersection, it is hard for bikes to cross the truck route on 1st Ave from the protected bike lane on 43rd St to get to Bush Terminal Pier Park as trucks are often aggressive, speed and do not stop to let bikes or pedestrians cross.

Poor Truck Network Connections
Poor Network Connections
Bay Ridge Parkway - 16 Ave - New Utrecht Ave

Please do not designate New Utrecht Ave as a truck route, as is currently planned. Road conditions are already poor and unsafe for pedestrians to cross. Designating this as a truck route would only increase conflicts with pedestrians who already have to avoid twisting their ankle in a pothole while crossing this avenue. Heavy trucks will deteriorate this street further, and making it even more dangerous.

Observed Pedestrian and Truck Conflict
Observed Pedestrian and Truck Conflict
18 Ave - 65 St - 66 St

Turning trucks often come into conflict with heavy pedestrian traffic on this intersection. Trucks from 65th want to turn on to 18th and vice versa which leads them right into pedestrians on the crosswalk. As a pedestrian, it feels very unsafe to cross due to the long crossing distance and having the trucks creep on to the crosswalk as you crossing since the trucks do not see you well, which has lead to many close calls on this intersection. More visibility is needed on this intersection for pedestrians and truck drivers alike to reduce the likelihood of crashes and shorter crossing distances for pedestrians would help reduce the danger present at this intersection.

Street View
Confusing Truck Route Signage
Confusing Truck Route Signage
Coleridge St - Oriental Boulevard - Oriental Boulevard

Tractor trailers often do not know where to go, presumably after making deliveries on Brighton Beach Ave or Coney Island Ave. They end up on in Manhattan Beach (a residential neighborhood) on Oriental Blvd with no room to turn around and damage infrastructure, like as recently April of this year when a truck took down multiple power lines in the neighborhood. Better signage is needed to deter trucks from going into Manhattan Beach and instead direct them on to Coney Island Ave or West End Ave so that they avoid the neighborhood.

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