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Observed Pedestrian and Truck Conflict
Observed Pedestrian and Truck Conflict
Metropolitan Ave - Orient Ave - Olive St

Giant trucks speed down Metropolitan Ave from Olive to Bushwick. It's a long block and they want to make the light. Since there is no crosswalk I've seen so many people get hit or nearly missed. The oversized trucks are so loud in the morning you can't hear. There are lots of elementary and middle school kids that walk along Metropolitan to get to PS132 or the subway/bus to get to school. The noise is unbearable and kids have a hard time paying attention.

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Observed Pedestrian and Truck Conflict
Observed Pedestrian and Truck Conflict
Caton Ave - East 3 St - East 4 St

At the corner of E 3rd st and Caton, vehicles block the box at nearly every light during high traffic times, making it difficult for pedestrians to cross. Each school day I walk my child to his school bus stop and we are blocked from crossing often by large trucks with cabs so high it is not likely the driver can see anyone trying to cross in front or behind--particularly a child. This presents a very dangerous situation for pedestrians. There are several schools in close proximity. Drivers of smaller vehicles also speed through the yellow light since traffic backs up. They end up blocking the crosswalks for pedestrians, as well as or cars driving up E 3rd street. At times I've had to sit through a couple of light cycles before I can make it through that intersection. Additionally, there is a lot of trash and pollution along Caton avenue from all the through traffic. This is a residential area with narrow streets, schools, playgrounds and parks that sees a lot of foot traffic, so inappropriate for such large vehicles and high volume traffic.

Speeding Trucks
Speeding Trucks
Metropolitan Ave - Graham Ave - Brooklyn

This intersection is incredibly dangerous - particularly in the mornings and afternoons, many children are crossing the street to access the local school or nearby preschool from the subway at the same time that dozens of trucks are speeding through this intersection, often running through red lights and making reckless decisions during rush hour traffic. The street is also very loud and from the truck traffic, and from trucks speeding on uneven roads.

*Submitted via Accessible Feedback Form
Speeding Trucks
Speeding Trucks
Parkside Ave - Bedford Ave - Rogers Ave

DSNY trucks speed down Parkside Ave to return to the DSNY BK 9 garage at the end of their shifts. Narrow condition and speed bumps near the school do not seem to be preventing this behavior.

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Health & Environmental Impact
Health & Environmental Impact
Flatbush Ave - Grand Army Plaza Oval - East Drive

Flatbush Ave btw. Empire Blvd. and Eastern Parkway is defacto truck parking on both sides of the street during nights and weekends.

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Observed Pedestrian and Truck Conflict
Observed Pedestrian and Truck Conflict
Church Ave - Ocean Parkway - Ocean Parkway Bike Path

This is a deadly intersection. I live on the corner with 2 small children (and there are tons of kids in the neighborhood) and I avoid crossing here at all costs because of the trucks. Also the gridlock means trucks regularly cross the double yellow lines westbound on church AND there is an incredible amount of honking. Ban trucks from church Ave westbound on to rt 27.

Street View
Narrow Roadway
Narrow Roadway
20 St - 4 Ave - 5 Ave

Since the protected bike lane has been added, 20th Street is too narrow for truck traffic. Our neighbors car was totaled because of the inability of an 18 wheeler to turn properly. Trucks still speed down the street the narrow roadway makes it more likely damages to vehicles parked on 20th street.

Weight & Height Restriction
Weight & Height Restriction
20 St - 4 Ave - 5 Ave - Brooklyn

So many oversized trucks on this block all the time.

*Submitted via Accessible Feedback Form
Health & Environmental Impact
Health & Environmental Impact
20 St - 4 Ave - 5 Ave - Brooklyn

My house is covered in black soot from all these trucks. They often idle outside our house and run down the street at all hours

*Submitted via Accessible Feedback Form
Health & Environmental Impact
Health & Environmental Impact
20 St - 4 Ave - 5 Ave - Brooklyn

This is the most dangerous, speedy truck route on a street with three day care centers!

*Submitted via Accessible Feedback Form

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