Place in the existing No Standing zone
Use the Citibike station to daylight the corner on 207th at Hull in front of the school. 207th is a two-way, which eliminates problems with wrong-way cycling and Hull has a bike lane.
Connection between Bx41 select and Citibike and access to Bronx Park
This section of Bainbridge is crowded with pedestrians and has heavy bus activity and lots of double parking. There are too many conflicts to place the station on Bainbridge.
The curb lane on E. 206th Street next to the subway station would be well placed to provide connectivity. The two-way street avoids any problems of wrong-way riding.
Placing a station in the No Standing zone on Reservoir Oval East south of Holt can block the illegal parking that obstructs sight lines and is a convenient place for people going to the park while minimizing bicycle/pedestrian conflicts
Good location at the entrance to the park, but it needs to be sited so Parks garbage trucks don't hit it
Good location right outside the subway station
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