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Not suitable for Citi Bike Station
Location Not Suitable for Citi Bike Station
92 St - Colonial Rd - Ridge Boulevard

suggesting Citibike placement here to reduce illegal parking is not a solution. Provide more parking spots- that is solution. Don't make it illegal to park everywhere. Remove all the citibike stations that take up spots and give it back to the cars. Place Citibike stations on the islands or wide sidewalks if you must. Bay Ridge is a walking town. The elderly are not getting on bikes, the mobility challenged don't need them.

Not suitable for Citi Bike Station
Location Not Suitable for Citi Bike Station
3 Ave - 73 St - 74 St

there should be NO citibikes on 3rd Ave - with the box trucks and lack of parking already - Citibikes will only increase the danger of accidents. No commercial streets, or restaurant areas should have citibikes - reducing parking spots in Bay Ridge will make the venues less attractive. YOU have plenty of buses going up and down 3rd and 4th ave already. B4, B9, etc. Express buses. MTA serves areas well.

Not suitable for Citi Bike Station
Location Not Suitable for Citi Bike Station
79 St - Shore Rd - Narrows Ave

Put the citibike if you must in the Park or on the sidewalk. NOT on the street anywhere on Shore Rd -not enough parking for residents as is. MOST of the people who get off these bus stops live within walking distance. Put the Bikes where there is no means.

Good Citi Bike Station location
Good Location for a Citi Bike Station
Ridge Boulevard - 81 St - 82 St

There’s a bike lane on Ridge Blvd. and very low car traffic. Bay Ridge Prep has an open street/school street.

Street View
Good Citi Bike Station location
Good Location for a Citi Bike Station
80 St - Ridge Boulevard - 3 Ave

Good spot for bikes. There are two churches, a school, and high pedestrian traffic.

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Good Citi Bike Station location
Good Location for a Citi Bike Station
80 St - Colonial Rd - Ridge Boulevard

EVERY locations in Bay Ridge is suitable for citi bike. This is a residential neighborhood ideal for walking and biking. People are coming home from their jobs on the R train, they need alternatives for when there are delays and service changes, or just a faster way to get to/from 4th Ave. Removing parking spots constantly occupied by cars registered in Pennsylvania and Florida for bikes that everyone that actually lives here is going to use is a fantastic idea

Street View
Good Citi Bike Station location
Good Location for a Citi Bike Station
82 St - 5 Ave - 6 Ave

Good area for citibike, lots of foot traffic and stores

Good Citi Bike Station location
Good Location for a Citi Bike Station
5 Ave - 86 St - 87 St

Lots of foot traffic on this side, could be good to place citibike around here

Good Citi Bike Station location
Good Location for a Citi Bike Station
4 Ave - 85 St - 86 St

Another good spot for citibike as there is an exit for the subway on this side

Good Citi Bike Station location
Good Location for a Citi Bike Station
5 Ave - 94 St - 4 Ave

Last stop on R train, under-utilized concrete park, opposite library, several blocks from waterfront bike path

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