Suggest a Station - Brooklyn CBs 7, 10, 12, 14

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Good Citi Bike Station location
Good Location for a Citi Bike Station
41 St - 5 Ave - 6 Ave

NW corner of the park already sees heavy cycling traffic and is a slower street with speed humps. Plus easy access to 4th and 5th Ave bike lanes

Good Citi Bike Station location
Good Location for a Citi Bike Station
4 Ave - 44 St - 45 St

Already a protected bike lane and near the subway as well as the park

Good Citi Bike Station location
Good Location for a Citi Bike Station
5 Ave - 23 St - 24 St

The parking spots on the SE side of 23rd st & 5th Ave on 5th Ave just north of the bus stop would be a good location. This is a gateway to the commercial corridor going north and would complement a station by the 25th & 4th Ave R train.

Good Citi Bike Station location
Good Location for a Citi Bike Station
5 Ave - 50 St - 51 St

Basically anywhere on 5th avenue between 51st and 50th should be fine other than in the bus stops. This is an important commercial corridor and replacing 2-3 car spots with 30 bike share spots should be a no-brainer.

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Good Citi Bike Station location
Good Location for a Citi Bike Station
3 Ave - 31 St - 32 St

The southwest side of 31st and 3rd ave would be the ideal location for a citibke station. There's already bike parking there. This is where the Liberty View Shopping Plaza is located. You could also have it in the parking lot itself.

Good Citi Bike Station location
Good Location for a Citi Bike Station
Prospect Park Southwest - Seeley St - Vanderbilt St

This is the entrance we frequently we use when we drive to the park. Putting a citibike station here (and if possible, one near our house), we'd then citibike to the park instead of drive to it. This would be perfect.

Street View
Good Citi Bike Station location
Good Location for a Citi Bike Station
Prospect Park West - Windsor Pl - Prospect Ave

This commercial strip would benefit from having a citibike station in addition to the the one by the park at 15th street. I know I'd use this station to visit shops and restaurants.

Good Citi Bike Station location
Good Location for a Citi Bike Station
17 St - 5 Ave - 6 Ave

This would be a good location for citibike. We should have citibike stations every 5-6 blocks on 5th avenue as it's an important commercial corridor. A station here would compliment the existing one at 14th street.

Good Citi Bike Station location
Good Location for a Citi Bike Station
50 St - 6 Ave - 7 Ave

This is a nice quite residential/commercial corridor but importantly is just one block from prime 8th avenue chinatown. This expansion doesn't go all the way to 8th ave but this location is just one block away. A station here means I'm a lot more likely to spend money in 8th avenue chinatown without using a car.

Street View
Good Citi Bike Station location
Good Location for a Citi Bike Station
5 Ave - 46 St - 47 St

This is such an important commercial strip that it's imperative that customers be able to access it via citibike. Essentially, I'd take a citibike to here and then do my shopping errands based on how close they are to this citibike station. Citibike can turn 5 car parking spots into parking spots for 60. These need to be at train stations, neighborhoods and commercial strips.

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