Popular Tribeca video production studio
Need more capacity around PABT. This would be the perfect spot for people going to the south building coming up 8th avenue int he bike lane.
Oculus needs much more bike capacity conveniently located next to it, not 3 blocks away.
Docks in the park would be extremely helpful and make getting around the part to the different attractions much more easy!
Entrance/exit to the greenway down by the river, beautiful place to dock and sit on the grass or by the water. Plus it would allow people to dock to get more time as this is the last entrance/exit for another mile and a half. This way people could also transfer to an ebike for going uphill of they need to.
Close to fairway and other supermarkets which is critical for people to access throughout the neighborhood and fills a gap in the system.
Good spot for a dock by one of the biggest supermarkets in the area.
103rd open street is a great location to have a new dock and fills a small gap where there is not as much coverage.
Would be good to have a citibike stop right by the LIRR station
This station is the “entry point” to the citi bike system for a huge, densely populated chunk of Crown Heights that does not have great access to the transit system (at least 10 minute walk in both directions to non-shuttle MTA stations, and LIRR at Nostrand is virtually useless) so it’s almost always empty. Please add capacity and fix rebalancing here.
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