Suggest a Station - Manhattan CB 12

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Good Citi Bike Station location
Good Location for a Citi Bike Station
Cabrini Boulevard - West 179 St - West 180 St

West 180th street by Dolphin Playground is a perfect location. There will me a new bike/pedestrian ramp, there is plenty of sidewalk space to put a bike station, and car traffic is limited.

Not suitable for Citi Bike Station
Location Not Suitable for Citi Bike Station
West 181 St - Cabrini Boulevard - Haven Ave

Bad location, drivers often run red lights, would be dangerous location on steep hill

Good Citi Bike Station location
Good Location for a Citi Bike Station
South Pinehurst Ave - Deadend - West 176 St

Good location for CitiBike, near parks and transit hub

Not suitable for Citi Bike Station
Location Not Suitable for Citi Bike Station
West 181 St - Haven Ave - Riverside Drive

Very crowded and dangerous location, not safe for CitiBike

Street View
Not suitable for Citi Bike Station
Location Not Suitable for Citi Bike Station
West 181 St - Haven Ave - Riverside Drive

This intersection at W 181st St and Riverside/Haven is incredibly crowded and dangerous. I would not recommend putting a CitiBIke station here. It would be public safety problem, and exacerbate already congested streets and traffic off the Hudson and GW Bridge. More suitable locations would be J Hood Wright and Fort Tryon park

Street View
Good Citi Bike Station location
Good Location for a Citi Bike Station
West 158 St - Amsterdam Ave - Broadway

Voting site location. Great location for bike pick up and drop off.

Good Citi Bike Station location
Good Location for a Citi Bike Station
Amsterdam Ave - West 159 St - West 160 St

This is the site of a school, making it a great location for a bike pick up/drop off.

Good Citi Bike Station location
Good Location for a Citi Bike Station
Amsterdam Ave - West 158 St - West 159 St

In front of the Community League of West 159th Street. This is a community center, a health center and a central location for many members of the community. Dunkin Donuts is across the street and Domino's Pizza is next door. This makes it a heavily foot-trafficked area and ideal for convenient pick ups and drop offs.

Good Citi Bike Station location
Good Location for a Citi Bike Station
Riverside Drive - West 181 St - West 181 St Pedestrian Ovps

Great spot for a CitiBike rack, safe entry point directly onto the greenway. There aren't many subway options in the neighborhood (the A and further east the 1) so would be a great alternative option for commuters.

Not suitable for Citi Bike Station
Location Not Suitable for Citi Bike Station

Not suitable, many of the old time elderly residents sit and enjoy the park the entire day. Also the school next to the park uses the park as a play area during the day. A citibike site there would greatly interfere with these activities and lower the quality of life for this area.

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