Suggest-a-Station - Queens CB 1

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Good Citi Bike Station location
Good Location for a Citi Bike Station

Please bring Citibike to JACKSON HEIGHTS asap! (any/all locations for docking stations, as many as possible).

*Submitted via Accessible Feedback Form
Not suitable for Citi Bike Station
Location Not Suitable for Citi Bike Station
20 Ave - 36 St - 37 St

Not suitable given the already limited number of parking spots in the area.

Not suitable for Citi Bike Station
Location Not Suitable for Citi Bike Station
20 Ave - 36 St - Queens

This is a residential neighborhood, that does not need more street volume and traffic than we already have. We dont want strange people around here getting on bikes and keeping us up late at night. Please consider putting the bikes on 20th avenue which is already equipped with a large bike lane. Would be MUCH better suited there.

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Not suitable for Citi Bike Station
Location Not Suitable for Citi Bike Station
36 St - 20 Ave - 20 Rd

This is a TERRIBLE location for a citibike station. This is situated on a HUGE hill. It would better suited on 20th avenue where there is a bike lane and less parking concerns. PLEASE DONT PUT A BIKE STATION HERE!

Not suitable for Citi Bike Station
Location Not Suitable for Citi Bike Station
37 St - 19 Ave - 20 Ave

SingleCut Beersmiths should not be the driving factor behind the addition of a Citi Bike docking station being placed in a neighborhood already facing issues with noise pollution and road safety.

Not suitable for Citi Bike Station
Location Not Suitable for Citi Bike Station
20 Ave - 36 St - Queens

It’s not suitable streets are too narrow for bikes as it is and parking.

*Submitted via Accessible Feedback Form
Not suitable for Citi Bike Station
Location Not Suitable for Citi Bike Station
36 St - 20 Ave - 20 Rd

This is not a suitable location for a Citi bike docking station. This is a residential area with very little car parking. Additionally, there have been quite a few number of traffic accidents involving cyclists who do not respect the rules of the road including stoping at red lights. Due to the already busy intersection with the Q101 bus on 20th Avenue, constant Con Edison road work and existing bike lanes the addition of a Citi bike docking station would only continue to worsen the quality of life issues home owners on 20th avenue already face. I would suggest expanding docking stations in non-residential areas.

Not suitable for Citi Bike Station
Location Not Suitable for Citi Bike Station
20 Ave - 36 St - Queens

Traffic flying around the nearby curve in the road can be dangerous. Also this is a rarely used area. This is also on a huge hill, not ideal for biking. There are already parking issues in this area and we do not need even less parking!!!!

*Submitted via Accessible Feedback Form
Good Citi Bike Station location
Good Location for a Citi Bike Station
Northern Boulevard - 68 St - Bqe Wb Entrance Northern Blvd

I would love a bike station that's on the periphery with Jackson Heights (yes I'm biased as a JH resident). But also I think this area would be great for a bike rack as there's room under the bridge.

Street View
Good Citi Bike Station location
Good Location for a Citi Bike Station
Northern Boulevard - 42 St - 42 Pl

There should be a citibike by the food bazaar, it gets heavy usage and there's a lot of people coming from Astoria. Arguably the best grocery store in the LIC/Astoria too

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