Our feedback map is now live on our portal. The map above shows both the existing and potential bicycle routes presented at the last Community Advisory Committee meeting on Oct 17, 2018. If you weren't able to attend but would like to share your thoughts here is your chance! We are currently collecting comments from the public on our potential bicycle routes for Big Jump NYC. See instructions below to participate.
To leave your feedback...
Please visit our feedback map page by clicking on the menu on the left titled Big Jump Potential Bicycle Routes. Then
- On the bottom left of the map, click the Proposed Bicycle Routes and Bicycle Network boxes to turn on these layers.
- Click on the drop down menu labeled "Start here..." the top left corner of the map and chose from one of the comment options. Chose "Other" if your comment does not fit into one of the existing categories.
- Next, click on the flashing pin icon on the left side of the map and click on the map within the boundary to place the marker. You will be prompted to see a StreetView of the location your pin was marked. You can see the StreetView by clicking "Yes, take me there." or forego that option by clicking "No, submit without it."
- Finally, add your comments in the text box, hit finish, then submit.
You can also vote on other people's comments in the comment section.
Email bigjump@dot.nyc.gov if you have any difficulty submitting. Please share the link to the feedback portal to anyone that may be interested.
Click here or on "Presentations" on the menu to the left for a map of potential routes for Big Jump and the October 17 Community Advisory Committee Meeting presentation.