Suggest a Station - 2023 Queens

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Good Citi Bike Station location
Good Location for a Citi Bike Station
80 St - Northern Boulevard - 34 Ave

here is good

Good Citi Bike Station location
Good Location for a Citi Bike Station
80 St - Northern Boulevard - 34 Ave

good location

Not suitable for Citi Bike Station
Location Not Suitable for Citi Bike Station
34 Ave - 84 St - 85 St

Contrary to the disinformation campaign by the bike bros, cars are not prohibited from 34th Avenue. It's clear that the residents of 34th Avenue do NOT want this. Put the stations in area that are actually needed, ram them down our throats.

Not suitable for Citi Bike Station
Location Not Suitable for Citi Bike Station
85 St - 35 Ave - 37 Ave

Residential street not suitable for commercial, private, for-profit bike station.

Not suitable for Citi Bike Station
Location Not Suitable for Citi Bike Station
78 St - 34 Ave - 35 Ave

Can't put the station on the street because according to DOT the street is not wide enough and putting the station on the sidewalk in front of a residential building is just a bad idea.

Not suitable for Citi Bike Station
Location Not Suitable for Citi Bike Station
34 Ave - 83 St - 84 St

Don't cave in to the wealthy biker bros who all already own their own bikes. Put the stations near the subway stations on one end and transportation deserts on the other end. You could take the bike from home to the train.

Street View
Not suitable for Citi Bike Station
Location Not Suitable for Citi Bike Station
84 St - Northern Boulevard - 34 Ave

No bike stations on residential streets. They belong near the commercial avenue and transportation deserts.

Not suitable for Citi Bike Station
Location Not Suitable for Citi Bike Station
34 Ave - 77 St - 78 St

As a resident of this area, the increased noise created by the open street and the pedestrian plazas is not a welcome change. Adding bike docking stations will only increase the noise level in a once quiet residential neighborhood.

Good Citi Bike Station location
Good Location for a Citi Bike Station
80 St - 35 Ave - Queens

NE corner. On 80 St. Corner of 35 Ave.

*Submitted via Accessible Feedback Form
Good Citi Bike Station location
Good Location for a Citi Bike Station
76 St - 35 Ave - Queens

NW corner of 76St/35 Ave.

*Submitted via Accessible Feedback Form

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