There is no sidewalk or way to access Bayswater Park from Norton Avenue or Beach 41st st houses.
There is no sidewalk or way to access Bayswater Park from Norton Avenue or Beach 41st st houses.
This would be an idea spot for a ferry terminal. People in Far Rockaway might be inclined to take it as opposed to going all the way to Breezy Point
This corner has so many people waiting outside of the Teen Library. A bus shelter would make the experience waiting for a bus much more enjoyable.
Please add bike park for the Far Rockaway High School Campus. Students might want to bike to the school to and from their house
Need a crossing here for bikes and pedestrians trying to access Cross Bay Bridge
Parking on both sides of the street makes it very difficult for multiple cars to drive down the street. There is not enough room for cars to go two ways.
Poor lighting, poor visibility and no crosswalk when you go to or get off subway
This is a very difficult intersection and important for Beach 41st house tenants to use to get to food market.
Narrow, uneven sidewalks
need better street lights near New Haven Ave
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