At this location during the school year school buses pickup and drop off on or near the corner . Additionally there are a few wheelchair bound elderly residents that currently have problem maneuvering around the share scooters to board and get off their access a rides to go see their doctors.
Please remove all the scooters from Queens. The roads are already heavily congested with crowds of people and street vendors, adding this unwelcome and dangerous mode of transportation everywhere is a major safety hazard. We do not want our hard earned tax dollars to be funding such programs, which wastes time, money and resources. There are no regulations in place and people leave the scooters parked in random places, with no care or concern for their surroundings. Horrible idea, please remove!
Please remove all the scooters from Queens. The roads are already heavily congested with crowds of people and street vendors, adding this unwelcome and dangerous mode of transportation everywhere is a major safety hazard. We do not want our hard earned tax dollars to be funding such programs, which wastes time, money and resources. There are no regulations in place and people leave the scooters parked in random places, with no care or concern for their surroundings. Horrible idea, please remove!
Please remove all the scooters from Queens. The roads are already heavily congested with crowds of people and street vendors, adding this unwelcome and dangerous mode of transportation everywhere is a major safety hazard. We do not want our hard earned tax dollars to be funding such programs, which wastes time, money and resources. There are no regulations in place and people leave the scooters parked in random places, with no care or concern for their surroundings. Horrible idea, please remove!
This is a terrible idea for this residential community. Since they were dropped off in the dead of night on Thursday, they are strewn all over the neighborhood: On people's property, in the street, taking up a parking space, and just thrown anywhere on a sidewalk. In addition, the people that are using them are scooting in and out of traffic, causing a danger to everyone on the road. Who is going to be responsible when there is an accident? Is it me, the insured driver or the person who is uninsured driving the scooter? This is totally ridiculous! What are we doing to the city?
Sidewalk is to narrow. Bike left to close to private house..People have to walk around the bike knocking it over..
Escooter parked on grass next to sidewalk in front of pivate house at 149-41 hawthorne ave
Left on street corner in front of private house
The 2 bikes here have been here 5 days This is the second time I am reporting this location which is a street corner in front of a private house. One is laying down in the wheelchair cut
Left on street corner in front of a business,
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