Project Overview

Aerial view of the 5th Ave project area highlighting 5th Avenue from East 57 Street to East 34 Street

Project Background


Project Area

  • Major commercial/retail corridor and tourist destination

  • Critical bus corridor for commuters from across the city

  • High pedestrian and cyclists volumes

  • Safety concerns

  • Community requests for improvements

Citywide Bus Connections

  • 41 different bus routes coming from all 5 boroughs

    • 9 from Brooklyn

    • 9 from the Bronx

    • 6 from Manhattan

    • 4 from Queens

    • 13 from Staten Island

  • 60-160 buses per hour throughout the day

  • Bus delays here can impact reliability citywide

Map of Manhattan highlights the 5th Avenue project corridor and shows most of the bus routes that converge on the corridor coming from all over the city.

Bus Routes

Local Routes:

  • M1, M2, M3, M4, M5, M55, Q32

Express Routes:

  • SIM1C, SIM3, SIM3C, SIM4C, SIM10, SIM31, SIM8, SIM8X, SIM25, SIM30, SIM33C, BxM3, BxM4, BxM18, BxM6, BxM7, BxM8, BxM9, BxM10, BxM11, X27, X28, X37, X38, X63, X64, X68, BM1, BM2, BM3, BM4, BM5

Bicycle Volumes

On average, 1,800 cyclists use 5th Ave daily (At 51st Street)

  • Highest ridership on a Manhattan corridor without a bike lane

  • There are 35 Citibike station within 1/4 miles of 5th Ave and 34th St

Pedestrian Volumes

  • On a typical weekday, pedestrian counts show high numbers all day:

    • 2,000 to 3,000 pedestrians per hour in the morning peak (7-9AM)

    • 7,000 to 10,000 per hour in the evening peak (4-7PM)

  • Holiday counts reach 30,000+ pedestrians per hour

  • A busway allows more space for pedestrians during pandemic recovery

Please visit the "Documents" page for more information on the 5th Avenue Busway Project in NYC DOT's presentations to the Community Advisory Board.



Project Process

  • NYC DOT formed a Community Advisory Board (CAB) to give input on the project. CAB members include:

    • Elected officials

    • Nonprofit and community organizations

    • Government agency representatives

    • Advocates

    • Bus Riders

  • NYC DOT will conduct outreach, including using the Feedback Map and survey on this site.

  • NYC DOT will track and analyze the project throughout the 1-year pilot


Project Timeline (Tentative)


Tentative timeline for the 5th Avenue Buway pilot project.