Phase IV - Feedback Map (2017 - 2018)

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71 Ave - Queens Boulevard - Queens Boulevard

Why no type for too few lanes and parking. Since the bike lanes went in, I now have to slow down when exiting to the local roads. This is dangerous to bikers & cars because I am now angry. Same deal with parking! 20 years ago there were less cars, more parking, faster traffic, & everything was safer. I don't remember so many crashes back then. If you ask me, survival of the fittest. If bikers want to stay alive, they shouldn’t be bike in the road. And they should stay off the sidewalks where people walk. These fanatics want bike lanes, and the only part of their agenda that I agree with is less cars so that I'm not in traffic all the time. I need my car to go to work, visit family, and take care of errands. How would I do these things without my car? If they put in more lanes, all the local stores will close, just like in the city since nobody goes there anymore cause of the bike lanes. I never see any bikers on the road, except a lot going the wrong direction both ways. Bikers kill more people than cars, but the NYPD and lying media are hiding all the crashes to make the mayor look good. Its also bad for the environment with more exhaust from the traffic. These environmental types want you to believe that global warming is real, but its been cold since Christmas. How do they explain that?

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Queens Boulevard - Ascan Ave - 73 Rd

Merchants who are complaining about losing business due to the bike lanes are correct. Several businesses in along Queens Blvd in Rego Park have already lost my business since there is no where to park in order to run in and patronize them. I am partially disabled and take my car out in order to shop outside of my immediate area in Forest Hills. Am considering moving out to Long Island which is much more senior and disabled friendly.

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Queens Boulevard - Yellowstone Boulevard - 70 Rd

Bike lanes are without a doubt the worst thing to happen to Queens since Superstorm Sandy. Though at least Sandy was a force of nature, an act of God, if you will. Bike lanes are a man made, community destroying, small business shuttering fiasco. These ill-conceived, congestion causing, errors of engineering have been meticulously shoved down the throats of New Yorkers by a well-funded group of fanatics.

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Queens Boulevard - Connector - Connector

Transportation Alternatives and other OUT OF NEIGHBORHOOD GROUPS ARE TRYING TO DESTROY OUR COMMUNITY! They will eliminate 400 much needed parking spots from the Forest Hills community. Make the streets safer without idiotic non-used bike lanes. Go to the Community Board #6 meeting in the Spring and let them know that you VOTE NO to Bike Lanes.

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Bike Lane Requested
Bike Lane Requested
Queens Boulevard - 71 Ave - 71 Rd

I just biked by here the other day and it's quite frightening not having the safety and security of the bike path that ends at Yellowstone Blvd. Looking forward to this safety project moving forward!

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Dangerous Merge
Dangerous Merge
Yellowstone Boulevard - Queens Boulevard - Queens Boulevard

What you've already done has created it more difficult and dangerous for vehicles to enter or exit the main road of QB--and that creates a hazard for bikers who may be in the lane at the time as well. Also--with all the parking spaces removed, people constantly double park, making people drive in the bike lanes. This was/is a very poorly designed plan

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Jewel Ave - Yellowstone Boulevard - 108 St

Several times a week, in the afternoon, I walk along Queens Boulevard from my home to my job. The only bikes I ever see in the bike lanes are food delivery bikes and they are usually cycling in the wrong direction. The vast majority of Forest Hills residents only bicycles recreationally, on weekends. When the weather gets colder there will be even fewer cyclists, less than zero!!! These lanes were thrust on us and they need to be redesigned, destroyed or, at least, be freed up during overnight hours and during inclement weather.

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