Phase IV - Feedback Map (2017 - 2018)

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Bike Parking Needed
Bike Parking Needed
Queens Boulevard - 70 Rd - 71 Ave

This area needs a protected bike lane AND more bike parking. Hopefully CitiBike will expand out here soon giving residents north and south of QB a better option than waiting 20 mins for the bus or taking a green cab. All the bike racks in this area are constantly JAMMED. People want to be able to bike to the LIRR and express trains safely, secure their bike, travel into Manhattan then get home at the end of the day the same way. Look at how nice some of the projects in downtown Brooklyn ended up. There are beautiful shops and restaurants in places where there used to be nothing but junk. I am sick of listening to these complainers in Rego Park talk about their lost parking. The QB service lanes shouldn't even have cars on them. Make the island look nice with some trees and benches. Let families and the elderly sit out there and enjoy some coffee and lunch without having to listen to honking and huffing gas fumes all day. No one wants to come live in the middle of a parking lot.

Street View
Kew Gardens Rd - Union Turnpike - 80 Rd

The loss of over 400 critical parking spots in Forest Hills will have a devastating impact on both the residents and businesses of our community. Bike Lanes do not promote safety they only promote misery. You can make the roads safer without eliminating parking. Just do it!

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Union Turnpike - Jackie Robinson Parkway - Kew Gardens Rd

They took nearly 200 spots away in Rego Park. They will take nearly 400 spots away in Forest Hills. This will kill our quality of life. The City must listen to the voice of the local residents, not the environmental people and the Manhattan crowd - WE DON'T WANT BIKE LANES. Keep them in Manhattan and elsewhere not here. I like my car, I need my car and I will continue to drive my car, as well the tens of thousands of people who live in Forest Hills. This craziness must stop - NO BIKE LANES!

Street View
Queens Boulevard - 73 Ave - 75 Ave

Transportation Alternatives and other OUT OF NEIGHBORHOOD GROUPS ARE TRYING TO DESTROY OUR COMMUNITY! They will eliminate 400 much needed parking spots from the Forest Hills community. Make the streets safer without idiotic non-used bike lanes.

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Bike Lane Requested
Bike Lane Requested
Queens Boulevard - Yellowstone Boulevard - 70 Rd

This bike lane on queens blvd is essential. I am not a yuppie or a hipster. I'm just a working class father of 2 trying to make ends meet and make it to work on time. Riding my bike is 100 times better than the subway, more reliable and good exercise. I also drive a car in queens and have not found any of the changes from the completed bike lanes troublesome to my ability to get around. I will not stop riding my bike if this is not built, but I do have a better chance of staying alive to see my kids if its there.

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Queens Boulevard - 78 Ave - 78 Crescent

Rego Park is a complete mess - loss of 200 spots, congestion, pollution, noise. Now they want to take nearly 400 spots away in Forest Hills - this is totally insane. Bikes don't belong on Queens Boulevard period. You can make the streets safer without bike lanes. Just do it.

Street View
Bike Lane Requested
Bike Lane Requested
Queens Boulevard - Yellowstone Boulevard - 70 Rd

We need a continuous bike lane on Queens Blvd. As traffic continues to get worse and there's no room to build new roads, we need to squeeze more people into the existing roads. Bicycles are the best way to do that, while also promoting health and safety. Cars and trucks already get more street space than anything else, but this way bicyclists, skaters, skooterers, and other human powered wheeled transportation will have a way to get across the borough safely. It's not about biking for the sake of biking, it's about biking for transportation. EVERYONE who wants to use the street ought to have a safe lane to use.

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Poor Visibility
Poor Visibility
Queens Boulevard - 71 Ave - 71 Rd

Bike lanes exist just for the very few to utilize on their yuppie eco friendly commutes. The vast majority of real Forest Hills residents and business owners DO NOT WANT BIKE LANES.

Street View
Queens Boulevard - 75 Ave - 72 Drive

Installing bike lanes in Forest Hills is a bad idea. Safety does not have to mean giving up 400 parking spots. There must be another way. Rego Park is a nightmare - everyone there is angry. Don't do this to Forest Hills too. Please do not put in bike lanes; just a horrible idea.

Street View
Poor Visibility
Poor Visibility
75 Ave - Austin St - Queens Boulevard

Putting bike lanes in Forest Hills is just another way of taxing us to death. Forcing us to give up our cars or find expensive garages. Please don't tell us how to live. People not only want their cars, they need them. Bikers can choose to use the subway or bus, but for some people their automobile is their only lifeline to travel where they choose. Listen to the people of Forest Hills - NO BIKE LANES!!!

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