Suggest a Station - 2022 Queens

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Good Citi Bike Station location
Good Location for a Citi Bike Station
Flushing Ave - Flushing Ave Connector - Flushing Ave Connector

Basically anywhere on a thru road. Greenpoint Ave, Flushing Ave, Queens Blvd, 47th Ave, Grand, Fresh Pond, Maspeth Ave, Eilot, Metropolitan, Maurice, Rust/56th, 69th Street, 58th Street. At the foot of every bridge, at the every edge of the zone. Also anywhere that bridges the gap to key transit and gives residents or visitors route options that are not currently serviced by buses, or gets them to a better train line or bus line than the ones it currently leads to. I see fewer locations identified in Maspeth, but that may be because it's such a transit desert that people are unfamiliar with destinations there, and locals have long felt compelled toward car ownership and so don't participate in this process and prioritize parking over bike access because they think they HAVE to drive. This will provide them an alternative that could eventually lead to less of a dependence on that mode of transportation, and bring revenue to local businesses with people who previously not interested in the transit slog.

Good Citi Bike Station location
Good Location for a Citi Bike Station
Queens Boulevard - 70 St - Connector

Obviously need one at the furthest point East. Too bad this does not extend a little bit further to encompass the homeless shelter in the Pan Am building. That shelter is in a terrible transit desert, really only served by the Q60 and mid-block building and bus stops forces them far out of their way in either direction to access the stop on the opposite side of the blvd. Also forces them to rely heavily on the intersection at 51st which remains deeply unpleasant for pedestrians even following the Queens Blvd redesign. Long walking distance, and at the wrong angle from where you're going from/to, all of it encourages jay walking and even those using the walk lights usually have to run for it. But I digress.

Good Citi Bike Station location
Good Location for a Citi Bike Station
Queens Boulevard - 65 Pl - 69 St

Important north south connector between Maspeth and Woodside.

Good Citi Bike Station location
Good Location for a Citi Bike Station
Queens Boulevard - 58 St - 59 St

Shopping and high density residential. Also connectors north and south.

Good Citi Bike Station location
Good Location for a Citi Bike Station
Queens Boulevard - 51 St - 52 St

Entrance to the Cemetery. Also a good end point on Queens Blvd when coming off the 43rd Ave protected bike lane. Riders could dock here and get on the Q60 to continue East.

Good Citi Bike Station location
Good Location for a Citi Bike Station
Queens Boulevard - 46 St - 47 St

Important to have one at the last 7 train stop on Queens Blvd before it hooks up towards Jackson Heights. Could be an important connector for people wanting to continue along Queens Blvd instead.

Good Citi Bike Station location
Good Location for a Citi Bike Station
Laurel Hill Boulevard - 54 Ave - 54 Rd

As a rule we should have docks at the foot of both sides of every bridge. These might not be origin/destination docks, but they could be vital for annual membership riders seeking to dock and undock to extend their ride time.

Good Citi Bike Station location
Good Location for a Citi Bike Station
Laurel Hill Boulevard - 56 Rd - 54 Rd

Something in this general area would be excellent, especially as there is supposed to be a park in here at some point to mirror the one on the Brooklyn side. I would recommend a spot somewhere out of the actual intersection however. Drivers treat this as a no man's land and take these turns at speed, trucks included. Could be bad to be trying to dock/undock as drivers whip around those corners.

Good Citi Bike Station location
Good Location for a Citi Bike Station
Wyckoff Ave - Cody Ave - Cooper Ave

Access to Nowadays which is a popular, but remote destination, probably mostly accessed using Uber or Lyft. CitiBike would give visitors a cheaper way to get there.

Good Citi Bike Station location
Good Location for a Citi Bike Station
Grandview Ave - Gates Ave - Forest Ave

This is a no parking area

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