Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Why do I have a loading zone on my block? 

A. Due to the rapid growth in e-commerce, the number of delivery vehicles has increased, particularly on residential streets. Delivery vehicles often need to double park to make deliveries, blocking bike lanes and bus stops as well as general traffic. Loading zones support the delivery needs of businesses and residents and aims to provide a safe space for any vehicle to access the curb to perform their pick-up/drop-off activities, such as taxi and on-demand ride hail services. 


Q. What constitutes loading activity? 

A. Loading activity is defined as any activity where you are actively engaged in the loading or unloading of goods or persons from or unto a commercial or personal vehicle. 


Q. How does NYC DOT select a corridor to place a loading zone? 

A. NYC DOT has prioritized installing loading zones in neighborhoods with high population and land use density and limited existing loading regulations, as shown in the loading zone priority tiers map on the Overview page.  Placement of loading zones are prioritized along congested corridors and/or narrow residential streets where double-parking may cause conflicts with other road users. We also consider feedback from community members and stakeholders as part of our analysis. 


Q. Would loading zones increase truck traffic on my block? 

A. We do not anticipate an increase of truck traffic due to installing a loading zone. Loading zones alleviate unwanted parking behavior created by existing vehicle traffic on the block and better organize activity on the street to improve the flow of traffic.  


Q. How will the effectiveness of these signs be evaluated and under what time frame? 

A. NYC DOT plans to evaluate a select number of loading zones in 2023 across all five boroughs to further improve on the methodology for site selection and determine metrics for evaluating the effectiveness of those locations where zones are already installed. We welcome feedback as we continue to improve the expansion methodology. 


Q. Will outreach to residents and businesses be conducted prior to installation? 

A. NYC DOT will provide a letter to each Community Board with a list of proposed locations and allow for 30 days of comment before proceeding with installation of loading zones. For loading zones installed through specific street improvement projects, there may additional outreach conducted as part of the project.   


Q. Can I park in a loading zone overnight and during the weekends? 

A. Unless otherwise indicated by signage, most loading zones are typically in effect during peak activity levels on weekdays. Vehicles can park in these spaces while the zones are NOT in effect, typically on nights and weekends. Always review posted signs at each zone as hours and days of operation vary by location.  


Q. Where can I report inactive vehicles parked in a loading zone during the listed hours of operation? 

A. Please report any illegal parking issues to 311 by accessing the 311 website, or calling 311. 


Q. Some locations need more loading zones. How do I request a loading zone on my block? 

A. You can identify locations on the loading zone feedback portal where there are double-parking, or other safety concerns related to loading and unloading activities. NYC DOT will consider your feedback when identifying new locations for a loading zone. You can also suggest a loading zone by using the webform on NYC DOT's website.  


Q. How long does it take to review a suggested loading zone? 

A. Comments from this feedback portal will be reviewed on a rolling basis as part of NYC DOT’s loading zone expansion efforts to meet the requirements of Local Law 168 of 2021. Loading zones will also continue to be installed as part of other NYC DOT street improvement projects and follow the specific timelines for those projects. As such, there is no specific timeline for reviewing each location.  


Q. My car received a ticket before the regulation switched to a loading zone. What do I do? 

A. NYC DOT does not issue parking summonses. Per the NYC Traffic Rules, there is a grace period of five working days for vehicles to comply with any updated curb regulations. If you believe your vehicle received a ticket, or was towed during the five-day grace period, please contact 311 by accessing this page, or calling 311.