This area is one of the worst spots to bike in along the waterfront. The roadway half of the bike lane is often underwater or has mud and garbage along and inside of it. If it were more attractive and less grim I think more people would be okay with using it. What I would propose is fully building out the sidewalk wider to take over the current lane on the asphalt. That way the entire bike lane and ped area would be raised and less prone to flooding and dirt and mud. Perhaps jersey barriers on the edge keeping peds/bikes safe buffered from cars. I think it needs just to be clean and effective. Don't worry here about trees or greenery or getting fancy. Just make it work. Some better lighting would be welcome.
It would be great if this rotary, Ditmars Ave, and 102nd Street Bridge were friendlier to bikes. The greenway ends abruptly on 27th Ave and there's very few protected bike lanes north of Astoria Boulevard. Despite being right next to the Grand Central Parkway the streets in this area are actually pretty quiet a lot of the time, would be nice if the street design reflected that and made it easier for people to bike to and from the airport and points west like the protected bike lane on 20th Ave in Ditmars Steinway.
Extremely dangerous crossing point on one of the only routes for pedestrians and cyclists to enter the park. Next closest access is Broadway to the south, or a long route around via the Flushing Bay Esplanade with all of its obstacles. Drivers come around that bend at full blast so even if it's clear when you start, a car could come while you're crossing. Should be a stop sign for drivers.
34th Ave is a MAJOR bike arterial to the park but this is only way to and from that route from the CitiField parking lot. Routinely used by bicycles, but heavily used by both pedestrians and cyclists on game days as this is also one of the only ways to walk there. You have to cross a highway ramp that's on a curve and just hope the drivers are not going 60MPH because they would not have time to stop if they come around that corner at speed and there are people there. This is just one of
There is no crosswalk or curb cut here at the spot where any pedestrians, wheelchair, bicycle would arrive at the esplanade. The shortest distance between two points so of course those who are able bodied just sprint across and are trampling desire lines through the shrubbery. Everyone else has to then decide if they can see a way to the right or left where they can get in. To the right it almost looks like you can, but there's no crosswalk or curb cut down there either. To the left it's even worse.
Willets Point Boulevard is one of the most direct routes to Little Bay Park and Fort Totten Park. It is super wide an underutilized. Adding a protected bicycle lane would improve access from Downtown Flushing and give residents of Whitestone a greener form of transportation
the bridge connecting the waterfront greenway to Northern Boulevard is awful. Better signage and more space can go a long way to improve the bicycle experience between these two major destinations.
Roosevelt Avenue is a main corridor for bicycle riders going from Corona to Flushing. There should be a better connection to the two neighborhoods than what currently exists (nothing!). An entire neighborhood is popping up before our very eyes at Willits Point. We should not wait for the neighborhood to be saturated with cars before making improvements.
The access points from the waterfront are terrible and extremely unsafe. In the current form, they promote sidewalk riding and conflicts with pedestrians. Ditmars needs traffic calming or road diet measures before someone gets seriously injured.
Please consider adding a paired bike lane on 81st & 82nd Streets. Currently there are no bike lanes but 82nd street is the bridge needed to cross the GCP to cross from Astoria to East Elmhurst. A protected bike lane would bring more Astoria residents to the incredibly popular 34th Avenue Open Street. It would also increase access to the park adjacent to LGA and the Hazen St/Rikers Island bridge
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