Roosevelt Avenue is a main corridor for bicycle riders going from Corona to Flushing. There should be a better connection to the two neighborhoods than what currently exists (nothing!). An entire neighborhood is popping up before our very eyes at Willits Point. We should not wait for the neighborhood to be saturated with cars before making improvements.
The access points from the waterfront are terrible and extremely unsafe. In the current form, they promote sidewalk riding and conflicts with pedestrians. Ditmars needs traffic calming or road diet measures before someone gets seriously injured.
Please consider adding a paired bike lane on 81st & 82nd Streets. Currently there are no bike lanes but 82nd street is the bridge needed to cross the GCP to cross from Astoria to East Elmhurst. A protected bike lane would bring more Astoria residents to the incredibly popular 34th Avenue Open Street. It would also increase access to the park adjacent to LGA and the Hazen St/Rikers Island bridge
This area has barely visible painted lines in the road. This leads to car in the left lane driving into the right lane "naturally". This continues down 20th Ave west, with the right lanes becoming double wide. This area could easily be converted into a protected bike path with how much space is available.
81st to 82nd outside Marine Air Terminal has a huge wall filled with ivy and ample space to put an off street or PBL. Likewise, after the Ditmars elbow there is a little park and space on the west side to extend off street bike lane to connect to 82nd, and where ever the greenway goes.
This area was previously an access point to bike into LGA, and would be beneficial to workers if it were to become one again, especially with the restaurants and services within the new terminal.
This is a good stretch of pedestrian/bike path, off the road that will be a nice jaunt connecting Ditmars to the promenade.
The bike path over the bridge is way too narrow, and both ends are dangerous for entering and exiting.
The bike routes along these parks are strange because the bike path on the road ends, and one is expected to take unmarked paths in the parks. I don't think I've seen that elsewhere in the city. I think there would be a viable bike lane along the entire road and paths in the parks to see the park and the waterfront.
This is a great place to ride but the paths are dirt and not always safe for cyclists. It would be great to take advantage of the beautiful vistas.
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