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Monroe St - Throop Ave - Marcus Garvey Boulevard

There is a lack of Citi bike stations in the neighborhood, especially on the eastern side of Bed-Stuy. This station would serve a busy playground. The sidewalks on the playground side (on Monroe on the south side of the street) are wide. The location would be perfect and help fill gaps + add capacity to the stations on Lewis Ave

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West 97 St - Columbus Ave - Amsterdam Ave

Outside Whole Foods.

Neighborhood Loading Zone Suggestion
Neighborhood Loading Zone Suggestion

Good job on the new site! Now go ahead and submit it to our free directory here

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44 Drive - 11 St - 21 St

A bike share dock in on the sidewalk of the Cliffs LIC gym would be put to good use. There are existing bike racks already, but having a dock adjacent to this would see much use.

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Hudson River Greenway - Pedestrian And Bike Path Link - Bike Path

This cross street (Houston St) is a vital crosstown intersection, but the closest dock is is .2 mile away and closest crosswalk is .5 miles away - yet it is ALWAYS full, never any open docks to park a bike // never any valet service or bike angel points to help alleviate this congestion Please add more docks nearby, or a crosswalk between Houston + Canal

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Henry Hudson Parkway Et 12 Nb - Henry Hudson Parkway - St Clair Pl

There should be docks inside of Riverside Park, as close to the Greenway as possible. Not everyone has the strength, capacity or time to carry bikes down the steps as required if you aren't riding to one of the paths which are rather far apart.

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Avenue Of The Americas - Broome St - Dominick St

More dock capacity here please! Commuting via citibike is risky - people are like vultures, circling the docks waiting for someone to leave so they can swoop in and dock theirs.

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York Ave - East 80 St - East 81 St

The UES needs more capacity, period. Especially blocks closer to the water.

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Ocean Ave - Empire Boulevard - Lincoln Rd

What I really want is an expansion farther south. I moved to Ditmas Park from Park Slope and had to let my citibike membership go. I really, really, miss it and I know there would be a lot of new members added if the stations just extended a few more blocks.

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Berry St - Nassau Ave - North 13 St

This intersection has a lot of activity at the businesses across the street but there is no docking station. There is ample area on city-owned land where I have placed the pin. A dock could be installed without interrupting vehicle traffic by placing it in the wide pedestrian corridor between the High School and the tennis courts. This area often lacks open docks so it would be good to have another station.

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