NYC Documents

Bus Forward Utica Ave B46
The following is a presentation for improvements to the B46 bus route along Utica Avenue. The proposal looks at the south bound route between Chauncey St and Fulton St, and Fulton St and Atlantic Ave. Take a look at some of the ways this route could be made more efficient.
Bedford-Stuyvesant and Ocean Hill - Brownsville Summary
Please read our full, unabridged summary from outreach conducted in 2018. This version appears in a spread layout; we recommend using this to read the report on your computer or mobile device.
Bedford-Stuyvesant and Ocean Hill - Brownsville Summary (Print)
Find our full, unabridged summary of outreach conducted in 2018. This version appears in a single page, PDF layout; we recommend using this version when printing out the report.
Myrtle Ave & Broadway Proposal
The following is a presentation for safety improvements at the intersection of Myrtle Ave & Broadway in Brooklyn. Take a look at some of the safety details being proposed for this intersection.