Project Updates
Monday, March 9, 2020 - 16:30
Following extended outreach conducted in the summer of 2018, two street improvement projects were implemented in CB 3. The Bus Forward Utica Ave project identified improvements along the B46 southbound route between Chauncey St and Atlantic Ave.
Friday, March 6, 2020 - 18:08
Following extended outreach conducted in the summer of 2018, two street improvement projects were implemented in CB 3.
Friday, March 15, 2019 - 18:40
As the winter ends, and the spring begins, we have begun sharing findings from the extended outreach conducted in 2018. We have already met with elected offices, and Community Board 3's leadership, to talk about the process and the data we gathered from the field.
Monday, December 24, 2018 - 11:32
We just wanted to take a moment to thank everyone who has either taken one of our feedback surveys, or helped to make them possible. Talking to the community is such an important part of gaining greater insight into the interests and concerns of a given area.
Saturday, November 17, 2018 - 16:07
NYC DOT's Street Ambassadors will be continuing their outreach efforts in Bed Stuy and Ocean Hill - Brownsville through the remainder of the calendar year.
Monday, August 13, 2018 - 17:11
Keep your eyes peeled for NYC DOT's Street Ambassadors, who will be stationed throughout Bed Stuy and Ocean Hill - Brownsville from August through December to talk to folks about their transportation needs. They'll be visiting subway stops, parks, churches, and events.
Monday, July 23, 2018 - 12:00
Thank you for checking out the portal for Bedford-Stuyvesant and Ocean Hill - Brownsville! Please use the navigation on the left to explore the page and learn about the traffic safety data in the neighborhood.